Infokafana: AoM – the Autonomy of Migration (refugees' perspective)

Infokafana: AoM – the Autonomy of Migration (refugees' perspective)

Presentation and discussion

An attempt to explore the concept of AoM from the refugees' and migrants' perspective. How does the narrative of refugees and migrants help understand the narrative of the different stages of migration from emergency, transit, settlement and integration.

Exploring the relationship of knowledge production on migration and understanding the role of refugees and migrants.

With perspective of building solidarity, communal relationships and common struggle against borders and domination.


[ english language ]


Infokafane so redni dogodki, na katerih v tovariškem vzdušju včasih bolj drugič manj resno (in z različnimi orodji) naslavljamo resne teme, ki se tičejo naših življenj, družbe in prihodnosti

3 months ago
AKC Metelkova Mesto
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