[ kontrolerji 🎮] game making meetups
![[ kontrolerji 🎮] game making meetups](/media/thumb/32c8be2630118fc63870e428bf042029.jpg)
(eng version below)
skupaj z Ljudmilo bi vam rad povabil na game-making srečanja [ kontrolerji 🎮]. To so meeti za ustvarjalke_ce računalniških iger kjer bomo lahko delili znanje drug z drugim!
na hitro
drugo srečanje bo 19.03. ob 17:00 v osmo/zi, naslednja pa vsako trejto sredo v mesecu. Brin bo predstavil potek procesa ustvarjanja iger iz njegovih izkušenj ter omenil orodja različnih težavnosti, ki se lahko uporabljajo za ustvarjanje iger.
p.s.: prinesi lapto oz. nas kontaktiraj če ga nimaš.
prijave (!!!)
za lažjo organizacijo srečanj, prosimo, da svojo udeležbo javite na: katja@ljudmila.org ali pa jo javite v discord kanalu
ethos kontrolerjev je…
Da so računalniške igre mlad medij z brezmejno širino. Lahko govorimo o mainstream streljačinah, dostopnih puzzle igrah za igranje na avtobusu, umetniških virtualnih svetovih, predstavljenih v galerijah, ali eksperimentalnih igrah, ki rušijo pričakovanja.
Da je ustvarjanje iger je vključujoče in dostopno. Obstaja tisoče načinov in orodij ustvarjanja iger, od teh kjer se ne dotakneš programiranja do teh kjer preživiš dni v terminalu.
Da želimo ustvariti skupnost ustvarjalk_cev na geografskem področju Slovenije, ki cenijo širino medija ter drug drugega. Srečanja so namenjena tako tem, ki ravno končujejo svoj magnum opus, kot tistim, ki ustvarjajo majhne igre v Bitsyju ter tem, ki še ne vedo kje začeti.
akcijski plan
redna in brezplačna srečanja za udeleženke_ce z različnimi predznanji
izmenjava game-making znanja (demonstracije, show-and-tell projektov, predstavitve orodij)
praktično ustvarjanje (coworking, mini game-jami), torej prinesi laptop da se lahko učiš v praksi
principi delovanja
deljenje odgovornosti / odprtost za skupnostno delovanje – več ljudi “organizira/vodi”
raznolikost: varni prostori za ženske, ne-binarne in trans osebe
pravila obnašanja: berlincodeofconduct.org
together with Ljudmila we would like to invite you to game-making meetups [ kontrolerji 🎮]. these are meetups for (future) game-makers where we can share our knowledge with each other and further our practice.
quick notes:
the first meetup will be on the 19th of February at 18:00 in osmo/za with the next ones being every third Wednesday in a month. We will introduce each other and our practice (or desire) of making games and cap off the meeting by learning a small tool called pocket platformer where we will make a simple platformer game.
ps: bring a laptop or let us know if you don’t have one.
for an easier time of coordinating the meetups please confirm your participation by letting us know that you would like to attend at katja@ljudmila.org
the [ kontrolerji 🎮] ethos is…
that games are a young medium with untapped potential. we can be making mainstream shooters, accessible puzzle games for phones, art pieces for museums and galleries or experimental games that break our expectations.
that game making is accessible and inclusive. there are thousands of ways to make a game and all are equally valid. you can use tools where you spend nights in the terminal or tools where you don’t need to touch the code editor, you are still making a game.
that we want to create a community on the geographical space of Slovenia that values its participants as well as the width and diversity of the medium. the meetups are intended for those that are finishing their magnum opus just as well as those that are making their first game in Bitsy
plan of action
once-a-month free to participate meetups for participants of all skill levels
exchange of game-making knowledge (demos, show-and-tells, workshops)
praxis and learning by making (co-working sessions, game jams) therefore bring a laptop
principles of operation
self-organisation; we work on the meetups together and share responsibility
diversity; this is safe space for women, non-binary and trans individuals
rules of conduct: https://berlincodeofconduct.org/